Monday, June 13, 2005

I had this big Summer Plan involving trying all of the fried chicken recipes in Fried Chicken: An American Story but was in a car accident (I'm fine, the car, not so much) yesterday and was far too shook up to cook.

So instead, Jeff took me out to Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles. The best part was that our neighbor was working, so instead of waiting in the long line outside we were seated immediately. (This is how Lindsay Lohan feels at Spider Club, I am sure.) The fried chicken was just okay- the meat was tender but the skin was not as crisp or flavorful as I would have liked. The waffles, however, were incredible. There was a slight hint of cinnamon in either the waffle (thought Jeff) or the syrup (thought I) and they were incredibly tender. Yum.