Monday, May 19, 2003

Sunday morning I made omelets. I've finally gotten the hang of them- it takes practice, and the discipline to not give up and make scrambled eggs. A willingness to have a not so pretty omelet also helps. They came out well- I added chopped up roma tomatoes and Tasmanian goat feta. They can call it feta, even if it's from Australia, I guess.

Jeff and I did some shopping. More ogling than shopping- we went to the Grove and the Farmer's Market. I bought a cruet and Jeff bought a scrubbing dish soap dispenser. Then we went over to Organized Living and continued our trash can ogling. Jeff had a hideous, horrible lidded rubber thing that grossed me out every time I touched it. The lid didn't stay up, so I was constantly washing my hands. He got rid of the lid, but then the kitchen smelled too quickly. After coveting fancy step models, we found a nearly identical step can at Kmart for $60 less. Very exciting.

That night I attempted my first recipes from The Cook and the Gardener by Amanda Hesser. Jeff picked out the pea and potato salad and I made the thyme/shallot vinaigrette to go with a green salad as well. We shelled the peas together while watching Six Feet Under, very domestic. The vinaigrette was delicious- every time I make my own vinaigrette, I'm astonished by how simple it is and wonder why I ever buy ready made salad dressing. And then I go and do it anyway.